Think twice online

Goals of the exercise: To identify online participation, roles and risks of exposure; To learn how to address hate speech; To understand what hate speech is and what are its forms.
Age of the participants: 13+
Number of participants: 4+
Duration of the exercise: 20 minutes
Materials: Presentation video, card boards, flip chart papers, colored markers, post-its, a laptop.

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Cyberbullying: ctrl+ alt + delete

Goal of the exercise: To raise awareness about what cyber bullying is, in order to understand the different aspects of the problem; To experience and reflect on the individual consequences (especially psychological) caused by cyber bullying; To develop a critical thinking on cyber bullying, to prevent and take action against it at different levels (personal, community, national).
Age of the participants: 13+
Number of participants: at least 4
Duration of the exercise: at least 20 minutes
Materials: A4 paper sheets, markers, post-its, pens, scissors, thread, glue, a laptop

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